Университеты США – новости от Никиты Иванченко

Расположение университетов США, приславших приглашение Никите Иванченко.Никита Иванченко в июне 2013 года заканчивает обучение в физмат лицее №5 и в ДЮСШ г.Долгопрудного. Дальнейшее образование и теннисную карьеру Никита хочет продолжить в одном из университетов США.

Выбор предстоит непростой. С одной стороны, хочется учиться в престижном университете и получить достойное экономическое образование, а с другой  — тренироваться в сильной теннисной команде, повысить своё спортивное мастерство и выйти на приличный международный уровень.

На прошлой неделе Никита сыграл свой последний международный турнир серии Tennis Europe (до 16 лет) и с 2013 года ему предстоит играть международные турниры ITF (18 лет и старше).

Несмотря на колоссальную загруженность, Никита нашёл время и поделился информацией о трёх наиболее вероятных (на сегодняшний день) университетах, которые он рассматривает для продолжения обучения.

Что интересно, все три университета расположены примерно на одной широте (на этой же широте находится Средиземное море).

Приведу для ознакомления информацию об университетах.

Lindenwood University • 209 S. Kingshighway • St. Charles, Missouri

Lindenwood UniversityFounded in 1827, Lindenwood is a dynamic four-year liberal arts institution dedicated to excellence in higher education. Nestled amid the beautiful linden trees, our historic 500-acre campus is situated in the heart of St. Charles, Mo., a growing community of 62,000 just west of St. Louis.

We offer more than 120 undergraduate and graduate degree programs to approximately 17,000 students through values-centered programs that lead to development of the whole person. Our faculty, staff and administration are committed to an integrative liberal arts curriculum that focuses on the talents, interests and future of our students. Lindenwood is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

Lindenwood University Campus MapLindenwood University is known nationally and internationally for innovation, entrepreneurship and extraordinary dedication to students. We believe that education is the way to personal freedom and responsibility, which are the keystones of any democracy. We have a liberal arts heritage that goes back more than 185 years. In that time, we have learned how to educate in a way that helps each student become an enlightened, principled citizen of a global community.

Lindenwood is an independent institution firmly rooted in Judeo-Christian values. Those values include belief in an ordered, purposeful universe, the dignity of work, the worth and integrity of the individual, the obligations and privileges of citizenship and the primacy of truth.


Asbury University, 1 Macklem Drive, Wilmore, Kentucky

Asbury UniversityWith a commitment to academic excellence and spiritual vitality, Asbury University encourages more than 1,300 students to study, worship and serve together on a campus located 20 minutes southwest of Lexington in Wilmore, Kentucky.

Primarily a four-year, multi-denominational institution, the University has been at the heart of spiritual movements throughout its history.

Students come from 44 states and 14 foreign nations, and more than 80 percent of the University’s students live on campus. Classes are taught by experienced scholars, 75 percent of whom hold terminal degrees in their field of study.

Asbury University’s 14 academic departments offer more than 40 majors. The University also offers several master’s degrees in education, including alternative certification programs, and a master’s of social work degree. The University also has an adult degree completion program called Adult Professional Studies (APS) and Online Programs.

The University provides many opportunities for student involvement both on and off campus. Internships, exchange programs, missions and community service opportunities are also available and are part of the curriculum in nearly every major.

More than 20,000 living alumni of the University surround the globe, leading and serving in all 50 states and at least 80 nations.


Southern Virginia University • One University Hill Drive • Buena Vista, Virginia

Southern_Virginia_University Main HallFounded in 1867 and renewed in 1996, Southern Virginia is one of 50 top All-American Colleges chosen by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.

Set in the majestic Shenandoah Valley at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Southern Virginia University rests atop a tree-shaded hill in Buena Vista, Virginia.

Southern Virginia University began as Bowling Green Female Seminary in 1867. At that time, «seminary» referred to a school for girls. In 1900, the school moved to a resort hotel in Buena Vista and changed its name to Southern Seminary. The hotel, built in 1890, is now Main Hall and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. From 1922 to 1996, the school operated as a junior college until declining enrollments and financial instability threatened to close its doors. In 1996, a group of interested Latter-day Saints assumed responsibility for the institution, its assets and liabilities, and converted it into a four-year liberal arts college. That fall, the «new» Southern Virginia College enrolled 74 students. Since then it has grown to more than 800 students. In 2001, the name was changed to Southern Virginia University.
